Life throws all sorts of things at you all the time. It could be a flat tire, a financial problem, a health problem, some sort of hurdle you have to jump. Sometimes it is good stuff like meeting your spouse, a new job opportunity, a new friend, or maybe you won something in a raffle. What ever happens you need to be able to handle these changes and the stress that accompanies the good and bad in a healthy way. Personally I used to handle things by being as busy as possible all the time so I didn't have to deal with the internal stress. Too much going on let me ignore what was going on on the inside and I didn't address it until it manifested in an unhealthy way from stress. Now a days I handle life differently. It is now OK to be upset, to be disappointed, to say no to over scheduling myself, and it is OK to not finish the list of "TO DO" for the day. As a military wife I have faced separations, injuries, health problems, moving issues, etc...but I let myself have a moment of "This is not fair!" or "Why can't this be easier?" and then I think of ways to make the situation more proactive. Today I discovered getting an insulin pump isn't easy. I felt like my entire future I had in my head was suddenly dead. I cried, stated it wasn't fair, was angry, thought about ruining my health, but once I went through those emotions I started the process of how to re submit the paper work. I contacted my doctors, made phone calls, and even went on to ask for advice. I did what I could do at the moment and now I am continuing my day. I just checked for drafts in my home and temporarily fixed a large one in the living room.

First get a towel you are not wild about and cut it into strips
Next use a butter knife to stuff it into drafty window spaces.
Beautiful day outside isn't it?
Hopefully the living room won't be as cold, I am planning on using a window insulating kit as soon as I can get to the hardware store.
So far I am still going ahead with my Paleo Challenge for December. I have been looking at recipes and getting ideas for day to day living.
Some examples of things that you can have are Omelettes, fruits salads, veggie salads, roasted veggies, soups, chilis(no beans), many of what I am already eating can be simply modified. I am doing a lot of research for sources of iron and potassium. I tend to not reach the RDA of these minerals. Pretty excited about the challenge and look forward to sharing my experiences.
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