Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blood sugar rollercoaster

Well folks the Paleo challenge was aborted due to blood sugar problems.  Started having lows in the 60's and that just isn't safe.  I will say that this lifestyle of eating is very easy, tasty, and healthy if done correctly.  Of course now that I am back to eating grains my blood sugar is back to spiking high occasionally.  I have discussed this with my Endocrinologist and we have come up with a new plan when it comes to using my fast acting insulin with meals.  I have another appointment in January to see if it is working, so far so good!  Also we discussed weight training and how it effects blood sugar.  Intense activity and weight training can cause high blood sugar because your muscles need more energy so the liver is all "Oh hey let me give you some more glucose in your blood" Now that is fine for non diabetics but it can be too much for a diabetic person.  So I am going to learn how to weight lift safely.
Hot and Steamy Zucchini instead of pasta 

School is starting in January and I will be taking two classes.  Just basic stuff but I am excited to get back into the swing of things.  I have a gym that is only a five minute walk away from where classes are held so I plan on parking there so I can workout during lunch.  I figure I can bring some high glycemic snack, a protein shake, a fruit, and some carrots and such for lunch.  Then hop on a treadmill or elliptical for a while before heading back to class.
Look it is my work out buddy!  No Santa I do not want these in my stocking.

Still no letter of denial for my Continuous Glucose Monitor!  I want to call and verify but I like thinking I am getting that at least.  How awesome would it be to know I will be warned if my blood sugar was going too low or going too high?  To go to sleep without wondering if I am going to go low in the middle of the night.  To go drive and not have to test every hour!  Just glance down at a little screen and snack if necessary.  Take fitness classes like spinning, Zumba, etc.. and not have to guess.

To motivate myself and my Husband over the Christmas break I plan on making a calendar to track our workouts.  I want to build muscle so I will put pushups, squats, ab work, and such on mine.  This way I can cross off what I have done and then at the end of the two weeks reward myself with something.  What should I give myself as a reward?  Tank tops to celebrate my toned arms?  Feel free to leave a comment with a good reward.

Now for a yummy Vegan, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Low carb, Paleo friendly, and tasty Mint Chocolate hot cocoa!

Unsweetened Almond or Coconut milk, 1 cup
Cocoa Powder, 2Tblspoons
No calorie sweetener of choice, I use about two teaspoons of Truvia
Mint extract, Half a Teaspoon

Pour one cup of "milk" into small sauce pan and heat over low heat.  Add in cocoa powder and sweetener and whisk until combined.  Once the cocoa is hot add in the half teaspoon of mint extract and stir.  Pour into a mug and enjoy!  You can also add a little bit of espresso or coffee granules to make it a Peppermint Mocha!  This Peppermint Cocoa ends up having only 50 calories and around 4 carbs per cup.

Now since I am doing some more fitness stuff should I do a Before picture?
You decide!

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